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Almost Daily Painting Jan 18-26

By January 26, 20172 Comments
Tide Pools 
Botanical Beach
Jan 18
Bunny Love
Jan 19

Jan 20

Jan 21
Jan 22
Jan 23

South Hills
Jan 26

I had hoped to paint a small painting everyday this past week but I started to paint a larger piece and have been spending some time on that. I will post that one as I get further along with it.
However, the first painting of the tidal pools was done over 2 days. I was able to spend one of those days painting with friends and we ended up chatting more than painting.  Always wonderful to catch up with friends. 
There was also a painting done on Tuesday but since it is a gift for a friend, I don’t want to post it until she receives it. So until then, the painting will remain a mystery. 
Leslie Lambert

Author Leslie Lambert

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