
Capturing the Canadian Spirit Exhibit

By December 9, 2009April 21st, 2021One Comment
These two paintings I did some time ago. I am showing them now because they were both accepted into the “Capturing the Canadian Spirit” Exhibit. The exhibit is in Vancouver during the 2010 Olympics this February. Only 300 paintings were chosen to be viewed in different venues around the city.
The first painting is Willie’s Bakery (in Victoria) and is a poured watercolor on a full sheet of watercolor paper (22×30″). A poured watercolor is layers of masking fluid (or a resist) and paint that I build up. I will pour the paint then “save” what I like with the masking, then I continue to pour more paint and so on. At the end, I take the masking off and have a wonderful painting. What is fun is that I don’t really know what to expect until I do take the masking off and then it is like magic.
The second painting is Through Rose Colored Glasses. I have posted it before. It is watercolor on clayboard and is 22×30″ as well. It is a painting of my teenage daughter.
Leslie Lambert

Author Leslie Lambert

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