This entry was originally posted on Thursday, December 6, 2012

While painting on a masterpiece, our brain will get use to what it sees and sometimes gets a little too comfortable with what it is seeing.

The danger in this is that we can disconnect from what the goal and purpose of the painting may be.

Standing back helps us to see to the big picture and not become too focused on one spot or detail.

Another way to better see the big picture is to see it differently.

While painting on a masterpiece, our brain will get use to what it sees and sometimes gets a little too comfortable with what it is seeing.

Seeing it differently can be as easy as looking at your painting in the mirror.

A mirror will provide a different perspective. It is as if you are seeing your painting with fresh eyes.

Areas that need to be fixed, embellished, or removed can often be seen from this perspective.

Leslie Lambert

Author Leslie Lambert

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