
Pouring Watercolor

By February 1, 2010April 21st, 20212 Comments
As my show in March is quickly approaching, I am frantically working on my last couple of pieces. They are pours of a few places in Victoria. A pour is where I use liquid watercolor and literally pour the paint onto the paper. Then I save what I want with masking fluid then pour again. I do this about 4-5 times, layering mask and then paint. This painting may not seem like much to see but it is only the first pour thus far. It is the gate in Chinatown. The painting will be 25×35″ when it is completed. My biggest pour yet! I have masked out the white, poured, and masked again for the next pour. The mask is the white and yellow that you see.
This is of Lower Johnson Street across from Market Square. I poured twice and now need to mask again for the third pour. The paint becomes more concentrated each time I pour.
Leslie Lambert

Author Leslie Lambert

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