This entry was originally posted on Sunday, May 6, 2012

Poured Watercolor

Today’s Sunday Secrets comes from Marion in Germany. Her questions are:

What kind of paper do you use for your works (poured watercolors) and how long could masking fluid stay on the paper? Could you estimate how long the drying process is between the layers?

Thank you for the questions, Marion.

For my pours I use 300lb (638gsm) paper. I prefer Arches cold press paper.

 I can leave the masking fluid on the paper for up to a couple of weeks as long as I keep it in a cool and dark place. Do not leave it in the heat or sun or the masking fluid will bake into the paper and never come off!

If it is difficult to find a cool and dark place, only leave it on for a couple of days.

I do let the paper dry completely between pours before I apply the masking fluid.

I usually let it dry overnight but it depends on the humidity in the air. I live in a more humid part of the world so it takes longer for my paintings to dry.

 You can blow dry your painting as long as you let it sit 20 -30 min before doing so and you keep the heat off of the masking fluid.

When pouring, make sure you use staining colors or else the mask will lift a lot of it at the end.

Leslie Lambert

Author Leslie Lambert

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