This entry was originally posted on Sunday, August 5, 2012
Today’s Sunday Secrets comes from Jen in Victoria, BC
Her question is: Do you have a list of books that you recommend for beginning watercolorists?
There are so many wonderful watercolor books out there but there are a few that I recommend to my students.
Here is the list:
- How To Make A Watercolor Paint Itself by Nita Engle
This book is one that I refer to the most in my classes. It has so many wonderful techniques and Nita really shows how to use the natural properties of water and paint to your advantage.
- Watercolor: Painting Outside the Lines by Linda Kemp
This is my favorite book for teaching and understanding the concept of negative painting. Since watercolor uses so much negative painting, it is a good concept to grasp.
- Watercolor Basics: Let’s Get Started by Jack Reid
Jack shows in simple steps how to paint in watercolor. This is demonstrated in everything from how to stoke the paint on with a brush to how to complete a simple painting.
- Painting Beautiful Watercolors From Photographs by Jan Kunz
This book is wonderful for showing how to set up a simple still life and photograph it. Jan also shows how to create different compositions from one photograph.
- Painting Watercolor Portraits That Glow by Jan Kunz
Another great book by Jan shows how to approach portrait painting. Even a beginner can follow along.