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Field of Blue Camas

By November 16, 2010April 21st, 20212 Comments
Field of Blue Camas
Field of Blue Camas is a painting that I demonstrated for my Fun and Free watercolor class. It is a view of the Garry Oak trees and the beautiful camas that grows in Anderson Hill Park.
Atmospheric colors of yellow, red, and blue are washed across the paper. Then the sky and sky holes are masked out so that paint can be splashed and splattered without worrying about it getting into the sky. Once the tree has been painted, the mask is brought up and the tree limbs are added.
This week has been another busy week. My studio tour is this coming weekend. I am frantically getting ready for it as well as continuing to teach. I also overbooked my weekend (not my fault-honest!!!) and I will also be demonstrating my pouring technique Saturday morning before the studio tour opens. Talk about crazy!! Fortunately I have some very good friends and a wonderful daughter that are willing to help me out.
Leslie Lambert

Author Leslie Lambert

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