Olive Trees and Poppies
The Oak Bay Fall Studio Tour is this weekend. Twenty local artists will be opening their homes and studios to the public. It is a wonderful event to start the holiday shopping.
My painting of Olive Trees and Poppies is featured in the brochure (I’m #1 on the brochure) and it will be on sale along with many other paintings. Prices range from $100 – $2000 for originals. Notebooks and cards will also be on sale.
The show runs both Saturday and Sunday, 12-4:30pm. My studio will be open at 12 on Saturday. However, I will not be there until 2pm. Other people will be there to greet you if you are not able to come after 2.
Hope to see you there!!
More information can be found at Oak Bay Recreation.
A brochure can be downloaded here.
Notebooks with images of my paintings will be on sale at the studio tour.
Prices are $8.50 for the small (6×9″) notebooks and $12 for the large (8.5×11″) notebooks.
Thanks D.D! The show went well and thank goodness it didn't snow here!