This entry was originally posted on Saturday, June 16, 2012
It is always beneficial to have support from other artists.
People that share your passion for watercolor or painting.
A critique group is a great way to get feedback about your work.
Proper feedback helps you progress and move forward in what you are trying to say with your work.
It is best to find at least a couple of other people that are willing to be a part of this group.
It is also best to find those around your level of skill and comfort as well as someone that can be honest.
Not brutal, but honest.
Having another set of eyes and perspective to view your work helps us to know if we are on the right path.
Often these people are found in classes that you take.
I have had a couple of different types of critique groups over the years.
One was a group of watercolor artists that would meet once a week to paint and to discuss our work.
These artists understood the medium and I learned a lot about technique by watching them paint.
Another was a group of artists of all different mediums but we were in the same place with our careers as artists.
This group may not have understood watercolor as well but they still helped me formulate my ideas and my compositions.
They also helped me formulate a better business plan.
It may be hard to find the right mix of people and the time to meet but it is definitely worth taking the chance.