On September 17-18 I had the amazing opportunity to paint in Horizon Fine Art Gallery in Jackson, Wyoming. The gallery was filled with artists demonstrating their techniques as part of the Jackson Fall Arts Festival. Not only did I demonstrate my pouring technique, but I also met some incredible art lovers and the other wonderful artists in the gallery.

One artist that I was thrilled to meet and watch paint is Kay Stratman. Kay paints in watercolor on shikisihi board and I have followed and admired her work for many, many years. Other artists in the gallery were Jill Hartley, Gary Kiemig, Kathryn Ashcroft, Kim Chavez, and David Mensing. David is an artist whose work I recently discovered and have come to love. What I didn’t know about David is that he lived close to Burley, Idaho at the time that I was living there. In fact, we knew the same people and his son graduated from Declo High School the year that I was teaching there! Oh how I wish I had known!! It would have been fun to learn from him.

I did finish a painting the night before my big demo. This painting was actually a demo for a group in Ontario which I did over zoom. Fortunately it turned out and I was able to mount it and have it ready to show the next day.

Autumn Kaleidoscope, 18×24″


This painting, Autumn Kaleid0scope, is of Wyoming in the fall.

While in Jackson, I did demonstrate several paintings but only revealed one of them. It is of Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone.

Mammoth Hot Springs, 16×20″

Both of these pieces are available through Horizon Fine Art. 

Leslie Lambert

Author Leslie Lambert

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