This entry was originally posted on Sunday, April 1, 2012
Today’s Sunday Secrets comes from Dana in France.
It is
“What size do you normally use for your watercolor work?”
Thanks Dana for asking the question.
I normally use the sizes of watercolor paper.
A full sheet is 22×30″ which I use for my large paintings.
Cut that in half to get the half sheet size of 15×22″.
A quarter sheet is 11×15″ but I usually tape it off for an 11×14″ painting.
This fits nicely into a 16×20″ frame.
And finally, I will cut that in half (7.5×11″) for small quick studies.
*Since I started to mount and varnish my watercolors, I now work in sizes that fit nicely in a preset frame size or on a panel. I still tape off a quarter sheet of paper to make it 11×14″, however, I only tape the long side of the paper on the back. I will also cut my full sheet of paper into a 16×22″ size (just over a half sheet) so it can be mounted to a 16×20″ board easily.