This entry was originally posted on Sunday, September 16, 2012
Today’s Sunday Secrets also comes from Kathy.
Her question is about masking fluid.
She mentions that she “wasn’t prepared for how quickly it was drying and blobbing on the brush so that it was even pulling off as I was applying it. I couldn’t apply it to get fine detail. What advise can you give me on using frisket?”
Thank you for your question Kathy. It is one that I get asked often in my classes.
First of all, I use a couple of different tools to apply mask.
My favorite for fine detail is a ruling pen.
An inexpensive brush can also be used. When using a brush, be sure to dip it into soapy water before putting it into the masking fluid. The soap will coat the hairs and keep them from clumping up as easily. You need to occasionally put the brush back into the soapy water. When the brush starts to drag, that usually means it is time to put it back into the soapy water.
To apply large areas with mask, I use my finger to gently cover the paper.