anderson hillgarry oakkerrisdalelandscapeVancouver

Garry Oak of Anderson Hill

By May 13, 2011April 21st, 20218 Comments
Garry Oak of Anderson Hill
Now that I am settled into our new home, I have started teaching classes at the Kerrisdale Community Centre. It is just a small group of beginners but they are great. I teach them watercolor and they teach me about what is going on in the area.
The course is on landscapes. The first couple of weeks I showed them a few simple exercises in watercolor before I had them do the above scene. The painting is of Anderson Hill Park in Victoria. I wish I had scenes of Vancouver but being winter, it has been hard to get decent photos. I must admit that I don’t like the cold and am no longer a fan of the rain.
I will be teaching at the centre again in the fall.
Leslie Lambert

Author Leslie Lambert

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