Coast CollectivecoastallagoonlandscapePlein Air

Plein Air Painting at Esquimalt Lagoon

By July 7, 2010April 21st, 2021No Comments
Towards the Lagoon, watercolor, 7×10
Behind Royal Roads, watercolor, 7×10″
The Bridge, watercolor, 7×10″
This past Sunday I taught a plein air workshop at the Coast Collective Gallery at Esquimalt Lagoon. The Gallery is located on a beautiful piece of heritage property just behind Royal Roads University. Royal Roads is building the Robert Bateman (wildlife artist) museum.
The day was unsettled weather wise but the sun did end up coming out and there was a cool breeze to keep away the heat. I am not one to mind the heat since we don’t get enough of it around here. Victoria is mild and it doesn’t often get below freezing in the winter but it also rarely gets hot in the summer. I love the beach but only when it is hot enough to enjoy the water.
Leslie Lambert

Author Leslie Lambert

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